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Client Success Story: Ellie

Following her experience with the team, we caught up with Ellie, a client who worked with both Matt and Kenny to sell her Fitchburg home and buy downtown. Follow along in the interview below to hear about Ellie's experience.

Who is Ellie?

From Matt: “Ellie had reached out saying she was looking to move to a condo in downtown Madison and needed help with both finding the right condo and selling her Fitchburg home. Once she found a great downtown condo, we were ready to get her home on the market fast. We had great photos, video, and a 3D tour already taken, so we were able to press ‘play’ right away and were fortunate enough to find a buyer pretty quickly that would accommodate her closing time frame on the condo. There are a lot of moving pieces when downsizing and buying/selling at the same time and thankfully we were able to have it all align to help Ellie.”

Why did you decide to buy and sell? How did you know it was the right time?

"I had been wanting to move downtown for a long time. I didn't know if I could actually afford it because I needed a three bedroom place so I could have a spot for my office and for my 16 year old son. I was really watching this place specifically because it has big bedrooms. With what Matt sends out – ‘What’s your house worth?”’and ‘What can it sell for?’ – it really gave me the good information to know that I could make it work."

Were you nervous or concerned about anything in the process?

"Yeah, a lot. I built that house 18 years ago but I have never sold a house before. So I didn’t really know how it works. How fast you have to move was like ‘Oh my goodness!’ Even though I was ready, it was like ‘Oh pictures are going to be in the next week!’"

Were you in that house all 18 years?

"Yes! It’s a big transition but it’s nice to not have all of that stuff and to not have to rake all the leaves! Also, since we all started working from home so much more, I needed the energy of being downtown."

What were you looking for in a real estate agent?

"I think not somebody where you’re just another number, just another person. What I really like about Matt is that I have been getting his information and invites to all the things he does with his firm for probably 10-12 years. I like that he just kept me on the list. He treated me more as a person, not just a number. Someone who is a little more family-oriented and shows you their heart was important to me."

Why did you ultimately choose Matt & Kenny to be your real estate agents?

"I could see all the things that Matt did for his staff, for his family, I was excited that he grew up here, and that he was from here. He just comes across as someone who does care.

And Kenny’s great! Kenny really went to bat for me. Kenny helped me get the new place. There was a lot of things that went on with the widows here after the inspection and things that had to be worked on with the condo manager. It was nice, I was behind the scenes. Kenny kept me in the loop but he did a lot of the legwork. When you’re selling your house you don’t have a  lot of time. And I wouldn't even know what to do! He worked hard. "

What stood out to you during the process?

"At the end, having both people at the closing was really nice. It was touching to turn over my house of 18 years to somebody and have them there. It was a neat thing. 

During the process, when you don’t know what’s happening next, it was easy to text and call and ask 'What’s happening next?' Either they answered right away or picked up the phone and let me know what the next step was. Everything was right on time."

What advice do you have for someone who’s thinking about downsizing or moving?

"Start getting rid of stuff now! Especially with the downsizing or even just moving, so much comes out of a closet. It’s emotional figuring out do you keep it or do you not keep it. It takes time and energy to think about it. The earlier you can do that – the more you’re ready. Especially when pictures are going to come in, there’s enough to do just to stage rather than just decluttering. So start early. 

Maybe get a dumpster! You go to Goodwill a lot."

Would you hire MWREP again?

"Absolutely! I trust them. I think that they're on your side. 

I was talking to some people and they said you never know (since realtors get a commission) if they’re doing things in your favor or not since there’s that question of do they want you to sell your house now, or not, or accept the offer, or not. I felt that wasn’t the reason. He would tell me if things were a fair price or a fair counter offer. I trust him. 

I absolutely would work with him again! But I’m not moving."

Thank you, Ellie, it was such a pleasure working with you!

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